Ellipse Excision
Mole Removal



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Before and after photos

Large eyebrow mole removal before and after

Mole removal surgery by ellipse excision

Large eyebrow mole removal results

Serial ellipse excision surgery for large mole removal

mole removal excision results

Malignant melanoma surgery ellipse excision before after

mole removal excision before after

Removal of a large mole by the mouth using ellipse excision surgery and stitches.

facial mole before after surgery

Micro mole removal excision surgery before after

eyebrow mole removal

Mole removal surgery by ellipse excision and micro suturing

Foot mole removal results

Ellipse excision for a mole on top of a patient’s foot. The mole had recently changed colour and size and was removed as a precaution.

before after melanoma removal

Malignant melanoma surgery ellipse excision before after

lip cystic mole removal results

A large and uncomfortable mole cyst on the lip removed using ellipse surgery.

Ellipse excision mole removal

Ellipse excision is generally recommended for moles that are flat, potentially worrying or not suitable for shave excisions or laser treatment


This procedure involves a small painless injection of local anaesthetic under the mole only to numb just that area.

With precision cutting the entire mole is removed in one go. The remaining opening is then brought together with skin stitches that in most cases just simply dissolve away. After the initial wound heals, the result is a tiny line of scar tissue instead of the mole which gradually fades from red to white.

This only takes about 20 minutes and is not painful.

Full excision often requires stitches – either dissolvable or require removal after 5-14 days.

Find out more including surgical mole removal costs for ellipse excisions.

Minimise Scarring

Usually dressing is placed over the wound to protect it for the first week and then moisturising and massaging the wound is recommended to help improve the scar with vitamin e, bio-oil or silicon gels is advised.

Cosmedics recommend Kelo-cote UV silicon scar gel for optimum results. The product has been clinically proven to reduce scarring and protects the healing wound from sunlight so that mole removal can be undertaken at any time of year.

The wound initially starts off red and then gradually fades to a whitish line. This can take around a year.

Very rarely scars can overheal and form keloid or hypertrophic scars which may then require further treatment.

Aftercare for Mole Removal by Ellipse Excision

Following an elliptical excision, the anaesthetic will wear off after 2-3 hours. It often feels a bit tight and sore for the first 1-3 days and simple paracetamol or ibuprofen should help. Increasing pain is a sign of possible infection in which case contact us.

A dressing will have been applied that stays and is kept as dry as possible for the first 3-4 days. If it comes off reapply the steristrips and the dressing provided. If you have stitches that need removing this is normally done at 7-14 days according to what the doctor has instructed.

It is best to steristrip or use micropore tape to support the wound for a further 3-4 weeks if possible to keep the scar as narrow as possible as the skin strength in the scar only regains about 50% of its full strength.

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Treatment Time

20 minutes

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Recovery Time


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Removed moles

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Results Duration


Mole Removal Costs – Ellipse Excision Technique

MolesSurgery with Stitches Cost Histology* Cost Total Cost
1from £595 £95£690

Mole Consultation

Consultations with our doctors or surgeons cost £75 for mole removal. The consultation fee is redeemable against the price of mole removal treatment when carried out at the same appointment as the consultation.

Doctor consultations are purely for the moles’ patients request to have assessed for removal. Please book separately for a full body mole check.

Histology / Testing of the Mole

* All moles that are removed are sent to a separate laboratory for histology microscopic testing by a pathologist doctor to ensure the correct diagnosis. This is a standard requirement for good medical practice and results will be sent to you via encrypted email.

Please call 0207 386 0464 OR email enquiries@cosmedics.co.uk for help.

How Do I Book an Appointment?

Our medical advisors would be happy to make an appointment for you:

The consultation fee is payable on booking. We have a 48-hour cancellation policy.

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Ellipse Excision Mole Removal Videos

Facial Mole Removal
Facial Mole Removal
Case Study - Foot Mole Removal
Case Study - Foot Mole Removal
Same-day treatments for moles, warts, skin tags and cysts - leading doctors and surgeons explain
Same-day treatments for moles, warts, skin tags and cysts - leading doctors and surgeons explain

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Ellipse Excision Mole Removal FAQ: Questions & Answers

Can I have laser mole removal instead?

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If you’ve been advised to have ellipse excision, it is most likely due to the mole being unsuitable for laser. Ellipse excision tends to be recommended for larger and flat moles.

We do offer laser mole removal at all our clinics. However, it is important to choose the most appropriate procedure depending on the nature of the mole. Laser mole removal is best for smaller, raised moles.

Will I need stitches?

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Ellipse excision generally does require stitches to bring the edges of the wound together.

We will use dissolving stitches where possible, but in some cases, stitches may need removing by your Doctor/Surgeon. In this case, this would normally be arranged 7-14 days after your procedure.

Will it be painful?

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We understand that you may be nervous about having your mole removed using a scalpel, but the procedure is made entirely pain-free thanks to local anaesthetic. When this wears off, you should only really feel sore or uncomfortable in the area. This can be managed using paracetamol or ibuprofen for a few days as required.

Do I have to have my moles histology tested?

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Yes, our medical guidelines state that we should send ALL mole specimens for testing, even if they look completely normal. This is the ONLY way to be sure whether a mole is atypical or not; as often moles can look ok on the surface but have abnormalities lower down.

The removed mole lesion/specimen goes to a separate laboratory and is examined under a microscope by an expert. This is an independent service. Results are returned very quickly for your peace of mind.

When can I start scar reduction therapy?

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Scar reduction therapy can start once the wound has healed. This is typically around 2 weeks after your treatment.

Please see separate FAQ for directions.

How can I minimise scarring after facial ellipse excision mole removal?

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For wounds on the face:

  • The optimum regime is applying silicon gel (Dermatix or Kelo-Cote® can be purchased either from the chemist or from Cosmedics) morning and evening
  • Once dried, makeup can be applied over the top if preferred
  • During the day, gentle massage with moisturizing cream or bio-oil helps soften the scar as well
  • This can be done for up to 3 months

How can I minimise scarring after ellipse excision mole removal on the body?

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For wounds on the body/limbs:

  • Continue to support the wound with steri-strips or micropore tape for 2 months changing them every couple of days as they get worn. The reason for this that even though the wound has healed the wound is only at about 50% of its normal skin strength at this stage so in areas when the skin moves a lot the scar then stretches if it is not supported during these first few months whilst it regains more strength
  • After that you can then start the massage with bio-oil or vitamin e cream to help improve the redness of the scar
  • We recommend Dermatix or Kelo-Cote® scar gel, which should be applied twice a day. Makeup can be applied over the top once dry
  • Massage and silicon scar gel should be continued for 3 months – you can carry on longer if there is still a benefit

What should I expect after ellipse excision mole removal?

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The following table outlines what to expect ‘day by day’ in terms of aftercare and recovery.

Timeline/days What to expect at the woundWhat to do
1-3 Feels tight, slight swollen, mild discomfort easing off Keep dressing on
3-7 Discomfort easing off and mild itch where dressing is Steristrips
7-14Wound heals over and is red minor swelling and redness, small bruising Steristrips / micropore tape. Stitches removed if needed
14-28Fully healed and red line Steristrips /micropore tape
1-3 monthsRedness fading to pink Massage with bio-oil or silicon gels. Sunblock if in the sun
3-9 monthsPink area fading to skin color or slightly lighter and any lumpiness flattening out. Sunblock if in the sun

Can I choose which clinic to attend?

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We offer ellipse excision at all our London clinics:

Can I go in the sun after this treatment?

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We recommend avoiding sun exposure where possible, seeking shade and covering up with clothing. The sun’s UV rays can be very damaging to the skin and can affect healing. You should wear a SPF50+ when outdoors for the first 3 weeks as a minimum.


AFTERCARE INFORMATION – Mole Removal Ellipse Excision

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For detailed information:


Find your nearest Ellipse Excision mole clinic

Harley Street

41 Harley St

0207 386 0464

4 Disraeli Road
SW15 2DS

0207 386 0464
South Kensington

30 Thurloe Place
South Kensington

0207 386 0464
London City

42 New Broad Street

0207 386 0464

1, Litfield Place

0207 386 0464

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