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Improve eyelid appearance
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Same day treatment
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Costs from £850

Xanthelasma surgery results

xanthelasma removal results

Xanthelasma removal results

xanthelasma treatment

Xanthelasma treatment results

xanthelasma removal London

Xanthelasma removal at our London clinic

before and after xanthelasma removal

Before and after xanthelasma removal

before after xanthelasma treatment london

Before after xanthelasma treatment London, results after 7 days

xanthelasma before and after photo

Dr Ross Perry removed large xanthelasma (cholesterol spots) from beneath both eyes, which had been affecting the patient's confidence for over a year. They were removed under local anaesthetic in a pain-free procedure. Before and after photos show a dramatic difference.

Xanthelasma treatment, London

Minor surgical procedure to get rid of yellowy eyelid cholesterol spots

Xanthelasma eyelid cholesterol treatment London

xanthelasma prior to surgeryXanthelasma is yellow plaques of cholesterol that appear mainly in the upper/inner areas of the skin on the eyelids. Xanthelasma often grows slowly over time, rather than just disappearing patients can find them unsightly and affect their confidence which is why most turn to Xanthelasma removal treatment.

Xanthelasma growths are completely benign and harmless lesions themselves. However xanthelasma can be associated with high cholesterol, so it is worth seeing your GP to check your cholesterol level just in case it is raised.

Most of the time, xanthelasma are completely harmless. Sometimes they can cause discomfort or self-consciousness, which may lead to you wanting to get them removed professionally as safely and as soon as possible.

Surgeons you can trust

At our skin clinics, we offer various xanthelasma treatment options; carefully chosen for optimum results, complete removal and a low risk of recurrence.

Our See & Treat same-day treatment service offers immediate results and a walk in walk out service in less than an hour.

You can rest assured you are in safe hands as all our treatments are performed by plastic or dermatology trained surgeons at our London clinics. The procedure is carried out under local anaesthetic and requires a few stitches to be removed 5-7 days later with minimal scarring.

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Treatment time

15-20 mins per eyelid

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Recovery time

2-3 days

Xanthelasma Costs

First eyelid From £850
Two eyelids treated in same session
From £1,350-£1,950

Xanthelasma Removal Consultation

The cost of consultation with our doctors is £75. This is redeemable against the cost of treatment carried out on the same day.

Prices are a guide to the costs and the exact price can only be determined once the doctor has examined you in person.

Please call 0207 386 0464 OR email for help.

How Do I Book an Appointment?

Our medical advisors would be happy to make an appointment for you:

The consultation fee is payable on booking. We have a 48-hour cancellation policy.

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Videos - Skin Lesion Removal Treatment at Cosmedics

Xanthelasma removal treatment
Xanthelasma removal treatment
Same-day treatments for moles, warts, skin tags and cysts
Same-day treatments for moles, warts, skin tags and cysts

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Xanthelasma FAQ: Questions & Answers

What’s inside xanthelasma?

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A xanthelasma is a soft, yellowish, fatty deposit that develops under the delicate eyelid skin.

xanthelasma prior to surgery

How do you get rid of them?

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Xanthelasma can be removed in a minor surgical procedure. This needs to be done carefully by a skilled and trained surgeon who understands the condition and how to work with delicate eyelid skin.

Can I squeeze the yellow fat out?

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No, this is not recommended at all. It wouldn’t be effective; but moreover, it would be very uncomfortable and potentially dangerous to attempt this right next to the eyes. In xanthelasma removal, we remove the entire lesion, not just the fatty deposits.

Can I get this done on the NHS?

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The NHS policy on treating xanthelasma is that the lesions can usually be left alone. They are unlikely to offer removal due to them being classified as cosmetic, and as such ineligible for treatment.

However, it is available privately at Cosmedics Skin Clinics with highly proficient Plastic Surgeons and doctors.

What does xanthelasma removal involve?

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The Procedure/Treatment

The method of removal is straightforward and takes about 15-20 mins per eyelid. It is pain-free thanks to use of numbing and local anaesthetic (so you stay completely awake throughout)

  1. Special cream applied to numb the area
  2. Tiny amount of local anaesthetic injected
  3. The xanthelasma are removed using tiny and precise surgical excision
  4. The skin is either stitched or left to heal like a graze


Due to the nature of the procedure, you will not be able to drive home. Please arrange to use public transport, taxi or bring someone to drive you home.

What side-effects should I expect after treatment?

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  • Eyes will be swollen / mild puffiness for 2-3 days after
  • There may be some bruising or even a black eye.
  • Your vision would be unaffected, but we strongly recommend that you don’t drive home on the day of the procedure
  • You will be able to resume most normal daily activities the next day, but it’s best to avoid swimming for 2 weeks while the wound heals

Can I come back another day for the procedure?

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Of course, there’s no pressure. If you’re not sure or want to time your treatment after a particular event, then you’re welcome to come back whenever you’re ready.

Does xanthelasma mean I have a cholesterol problem?

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Not necessarily. Anybody can develop xanthelasma, regardless of having high cholesterol. However, you’re more at risk if any of the following apply:

  • you’re a woman
  • you’re aged between 30 and 50
  • you’re Asian or Mediterranean descent
  • you’re obese
  • you’re a smoker
  • you have high blood pressure
  • you have diabetes
  • abnormally high lipid levels (cholesterol)

More than half of the people that have xanthelasma have high cholesterol. If you are concerned about your cholesterol levels and haven’t had a test for a while, ask your GP. Cholesterol checks are included in the NHS health check for over 40s. They are also available for a small fee in many high street pharmacies or as a home cholesterol test kit.

Not sure whether it’s xanthelasma – how can I tell?

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We recommend booking a consultation in the first instance. Our skilled doctors/surgeons will assess your eyelids and give you a proper diagnosis. They’ll also recommend the most appropriate treatment.

Whereabouts do xanthelasma develop?

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Xanthelasma tend to form on and around the eyelids. They can often appear around the inner corners of the upper and lower eyelid.


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For detailed information


Please note:

  • Keep wound dry for 24 hours
  • No heavy exercise for 3-4 days
  • No make up for 7 days
  • Stitches are removed after 5-7 days

Xanthelasma removal clinics near you

Harley Street

41 Harley St

0207 386 0464

4 Disraeli Road
SW15 2DS

0207 386 0464
London City

42 New Broad Street

0207 386 0464

1, Litfield Place

0207 386 0464

Most of the time, xanthelasma are completely harmless. Sometimes they can cause discomfort or self-consciousness, which may lead to you wanting to get them removed professionally as safely and as soon as possible. The starting point in xanthelasma treatment is to get a proper diagnosis.

At our skin clinics, we offer various xanthelasma treatment options; carefully chosen for optimum results, complete removal and a low risk of recurrence.

Surgical excision is the most effective treatment for Xanthelasma. This is a same-day treatment with immediate results and has the least likely chance of recurrence compared with other procedures such as fractional laser, cryotherapy and chemical peels. It is safe for use in the delicate eye area with our skilled surgeons.

  • Xanthelasma treatment may be carried out at the consultation if agreed or arranged at a later date.
  • Surgery is quick and painless with the use of local anaesthetic
  • In-clinic procedure
  • No bandages required, minimal dressings
  • Any stitches to be removed 5-7 days later with minimal scarring.

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