Xanthelasma Removal Treatment Video & Results Photos

14 Feb 2023 | Category: Cosmetic

Xanthelasma videoIn our latest new video, this patient shares her experience of having xanthelasma removed.

These yellow cholesterol spots beneath the eyes had been bothering her a lot. Treatment was fast and effective and the results were a dramatic improvement.

Before treatment, our patient explained what had brought her to the clinic:

“I’m here at Cosmedics because I have xanthelasma underneath both of my eyes.

“It’s been affecting my confidence and self-esteem for over a year now and I really wish I’d come sooner, but here I am and I’m looking forward to the treatment.”

Dr Ross Perry discusses the condition and the treatment:

“Xanthelasmas are a very common condition, typically occurring around the eyelids.

“At Cosmedics we tend to remove these under local anaesthetic. Procedure only takes about 15 to 20 minutes. As you can see this is a very comfortable procedure with the patient fully awake. Stitches are then applied to the area, which require removing after about five to seven days. During this period of time you may have a small bit of bruising,  but otherwise you can carry on your normal daily activities. As you can see there is a dramatic difference between the before and after.”

Xanthelasma removal video


Xanthelasma Removal Results

2 weeks later

xanthelasma before and after photo

Following treatment, the patient shared fabulous results photos. She said:

“I was suffering with xanthelasma underneath both of my eyes for a couple of years.

“I came to Cosmedics and had them removed six weeks ago and as you can see there’s minimal scarring.

“I’m delighted with the results and if you have xanthelasma I recommend you come to Cosmedics to get it resolved.”

Treatments for the Eye Area

The team at Cosmedics offers a range of popular treatments that can be effective at improving the appearance of the eyes, including laughter lines, crow’s feet, fine lines, wrinkles, eye bags and other signs of ageing. Options to consider include:


Dr Ross Perry

doctor ross perry

Dr Ross Perry is Founder and Medical Director of Cosmedics Skin Clinics.

He qualified at Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital Medical School in 1994. His career includes NHS skin cancer reconstruction, work as a GP, as well as private cosmetic skin treatments.

He established Cosmedics Skin Clinics in 2003 and remains in charge as Medical Director. He is best known for dealing with unwanted skin lesions and blemishes (e.g. moles, cysts, warts, skin tags) and natural-looking use of non-surgical cosmetic injections (BOTOX® Anti-Wrinkle Injections and Facial Fillers) and advanced laser treatments.


Cosmedics Skin Clinics

Cosmedics Skin Clinics was established in 2003 and has built up an excellent reputation for cosmetic and medical skin treatments, carried out by GMC Registered Doctors.  The company offer a full range of cosmetic treatments, including popular lip enhancement and wrinkle relaxing injections, dermal fillers; plus medical treatments including mole removal, thread vein treatment and excessive sweating injections.

Cosmedics Skin Clinics has a team of skin treatment doctors and surgeons in their 5 skin clinics across London and Bristol led by Dr Ross Perry.

Call 020 7386 0464 or email info@cosmedics.co.uk to book an appointment.


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