Cosmedics Skin Clinics specialises in ‘minor surgery’ removing skin lesions such as moles, cysts, warts and skin tags.
The doctors and surgeons are highly trained and expert in skin conditions and understand the importance of good healing.
One question which is asked quite often is that of keloid scarring, which can leave an untidy result with lumpiness in the skin. Patients who have already experienced keloid scarring can be nervous about it happening again. In addition, many are keen to seek treatment to improve the appearance of their scars.
Dr Ross Perry MBBS is a GP as well as Medical Director of Cosmedics Skin Clinics. He explains:
“A keloid, sometimes referred to as a keloid scar is an irregular lumpy scar that is raised from the skin that can occur after trauma to the skin.”
Ross explained that some people are more susceptible to them than others, yet they can occur in anyone:
“It is an aggressive over-healing mechanism that is more common in fair or dark skinned people, but can occur in anyone with the commonest sites being on the chest and shoulders.”
Dr Perry provided honest and realistic advice on this point, with a note of caution for those researching treatment options:
“Treatments are very difficult as they can often make them worse.”
“The standard treatments involve steroid creams or injections to try and thin down the scar tissue, laser treatments to reduce the redness, skin needling treatments to stimulate an immune reaction to help soften and reduce the scars and lastly surgical excision which is the last option and the most high risk as the scar could come back even bigger.
“Unfortunately treatments are limited in their efficacy due to the nature of the way the skin heals for this type of scar and this often means that keloid scars can be improved but unlikely to be successfully removed.”
At Cosmedics Skin Clinics, our doctors and surgeons give a full appraisal of all risks and potential complications prior to going ahead with treatment. When it comes to minor surgical procedures such as mole removal, cyst removal, wart or skin tag removal; scarring is a potential consequence. Our doctors and surgeons will always work hard to minimise scarring for the best possible result. They will also try to give honest and realistic advice about what sort of result you can expect.
More details about our range of skin treatments:
Cosmedics Skin Clinics was established in 2003. Over the last 18 years, it has built up an excellent reputation for cosmetic and medical skin treatments.
The company offer a full range of cosmetic treatments, including popular lip enhancement and wrinkle relaxing injections, dermal fillers. In addition, there is a range of medical treatments including mole removal, thread vein treatment and excessive sweating injections.
Cosmedics Skin Clinics has 5 skin clinics across London and Bristol. Treatments are carried out by GMC Registered Doctors and Surgeons.
Call 020 7386 0464 or email to book an appointment.
Please call us or fill in the form below and we will be delighted to help with your enquiry.
Monday: | 09:00 – 17:30 |
Tuesday: | 09:00 – 17:30 |
Wednesday: | 09:00 – 17:30 |
Thursday: | 09:00 – 17:30 |
Friday: | 09:00 – 17:30 |
Saturday: | 09:00 – 17:00 |
Sunday: | Closed |