Health & Wellbeing: Expert Cellulite Advice

18 Nov 2019 | Category: Cosmetic

Health & Wellbeing – Cellulite Advice

The latest edition of Magazine Health & Wellbeing asked leading experts about burning health questions.  

They asked Dr Ross Perry to help explain the issue of cellulite and whether or not readers should be worried about the health implications of this unsightly problem.

The article asked:

“Does cellulite on my body mean I’m unhealthy?”

Dr Ross Perry replied saying:

“Cellulite is the lumpy appearance of skin, most commonly found on the thighs, stomach and bottom area.

“Fat pushes between the connective tissue beneath the skin, making the skin pucker and look dimpled. Most women have cellulite of some description, or indeed will get it at some point in their lives, but having it does not mean you’re unhealthy.

“It’s a natural imperfection in the way the fat is contoured in certain areas.

“Cellulite is more prominent in those carrying excess weight and this can exacerbate the appearance of cellulite, as weight gain increases the volume of fat in the area.

“However, cellulite can also be found in slimmer women, so therefore is not an indicator of health or fitness.

“Genetics can quite often have a part to play in the appearance of cellulite. It’s also more common as we age when skin becomes less elastic, thinner and more likely to sag. These factors increase the chance of cellulite developing.”

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Cosmedics founder Dr Ross Perry has been featured before in the magazine:

Dr Ross Perry

doctor ross perry

Ross qualified in 1994 at Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital Medical School, London. His career includes NHS skin cancer reconstruction, work as a GP, as well as private cosmetic skin treatments.

He established Cosmedics Skin Clinics in 2003 and remains in charge as Medical Director. He is renowned for natural-looking use of non-surgical cosmetic injections (BOTOX® Anti-Wrinkle Injections and Facial Fillers) and also very well known for dealing with unwanted skin lesions and blemishes (e.g. moles, cysts, warts skin tags).

Dr Ross Perry is frequently called upon by the media for his expert insights and comments on skin and beauty-related issues.


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Cosmedics Skin Clinics

Cosmedics Skin Clinics was established in 2003. Cosmetic and medical skin treatments are carried out by specially trained team of doctors.

The company offer a full range of cosmetic treatments using top brand products, as well as medical and minor surgery skin treatments including mole removal, cysts, warts and skin tags; plus thread vein treatment for the face and legs.

The company has 5 clinics in London plus one in Bristol and work to a high clinical and aesthetic standard.

Call 020 7386 0464 or email to book an appointment.

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