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Types of acne spots – treatment guide
Whiteheads occur when the normal follicles become blocked with excess oil. The white bumps can be quite numerous.
When whiteheads appear, the best tactic is to prevent them from becoming inflamed.
Treatments to prevent and/or treat whiteheads are:
- Topical treatments i.e. over the counter spot cream or wash
- Exfoliation
Pustules are like papules, but filled with pus. The same advice as for papules applies i.e.:
- Topical treatments i.e. over the counter spot cream or wash
- See the in severe or persistent cases – a GP may prescribe oral medication
- Professional treatments to consider – exfoliation (peels or microdermabrasion), laser
- Generally a patient will have both papules and pustules, with the skin looking quite inflamed
Nodules are large bumps, which go deep into the skin. They can be inflamed and feel quite tender and generally only occur in the most serious cases.
Potential treatment options are likely to include:
- Oral medication and/or even injections prescribed by GP
- Professional treatments to consider – exfoliation (peels or microdermabrasion), laser
Cysts are like nodules, but filled with pus so they feel softer. The patient is likely to have both nodules and cysts and this would generally be considered a severe case of acne.
The same treatment options apply as for nodules, i.e.:
- Oral medication and/or even injections prescribed by GP
- Consider professional treatments – exfoliation (peels or microdermabrasion) and/or laser
Blackheads are whiteheads with pigmentation and the same guidelines apply as for whiteheads, i.e.:
- Topical treatments i.e. over the counter spot cream or wash
- Exfoliation
Unfortunately, it can take longer for the appearance of blackheads to improve due to the pigmentation