
Skin Expert Advises NO to Facial Shaving

19 April 2021
Cosmetic, Press
dr ross perry
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As Seen In Daily Mail Online

Expert Advice From Dr Ross Perry

Facial shaving may be the latest beauty trend trending on TikTok and Instagram, but experts told the Daily Mail why this DIY beauty hack isn’t recommended. 

The article headline summarises the issue:

“Should every woman shave her FACE? As trend explodes on Tiktok experts reveal it can make skin appear ‘more even and flawless’ – but insist women shouldn’t feel pressure because ‘having peach fuzz’ on cheeks is normal”

Facial shaving isn’t new – it’s thought that famed beauties Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor both used this technique to improve the appearance of their skin.

The Daily Mail asked Dr Ross Perry, GP and Founder/Medical Director of Cosmedics Skin Clinics, to give his advice. He explained:

“Having fine hair on the face is absolutely normal and we shouldn’t feel pressurised into shaving the face purely because someone else is doing it.

“As we have seen with other TikTok trends, we must not start copying TikTok users’ “hacks” – we must always follow professional advice.

“I do not recommend shaving your own face at home. It can grow back worse and what might have been considered mild facial hair can then grow back thicker.

“Shaving your face can cause acne breakouts or skin reactions.”

Advice on Dermaplaning – DIY vs Professional Treatments

Ross also commented on dermaplaning, a cosmetic procedure that uses a sharp blade to remove the top layers of skin. He explained:

“Dermaplaning is a tried and tested method of removing unwanted hair from the face. It is a painless way of scraping away facial hair whilst at the same time gets rid of any dead skin cells which contribute to making the skin look uneven.

“Dermaplaning is an incredibly popular in salon treatment which uses a painless blade and can make skin appear flawless with make-up going on smoother.”

However, he stressed that this should always be ‘done by a professional’

“There can be major problems for attempting dermaplaning or indeed shaving the face with a razor at home. “

2 types of facial hair

Dr Perry explained the difference between 2 types of facial hair.

“There are two different types of hair – vellus hair and terminal hair.

“Vellus hair is the near-invisible peach fuzz that covers much of your face and body and Its role is to regulate temperature and evaporate sweat.

“Terminal hair is darker and thicker. Some women have terminal hair along their upper and lower lips, sideburns, neck, and chin, dermaplaning can be used on both types of hair.

“Professional dermaplaning uses a specific type of blade. Using a razor or just a blade at home can cause scarring to the skin, infections, in growing hairs and sensitivity and is a procedure which one you start will need to be performed every few weeks.”

4 risks of dermaplaning

Dr Perry warned against dermaplaning for a number of client scenarios:

  1. For those with kin conditions such as acne or eczema, as shaving could worsen inflammation, sensitivity and pigmentation.
  2. Fast growing hair
    “You also need to be aware of the dreaded Five o’clock shadow, especially if you have terminal hair type which can also be a problem with ingrowing hairs as they can lead to painful and sore pumps on the skin.
  3. Cuts and abrasions
    “Don’t forget if you’re using a razor, you can get cuts to the skin which will be really sensitive and could lead to an infection and possible scarring.”
  4. Shaving your face could cause hair to look and feel as if it’s growing back thicker and faster:

“Because shaving blunts the edges of hair, just like shaving your legs it can make the hair feel coarse and stubble when it grows through, but in actual fact it doesn’t grow any thicker.”

Dr Ross summarised that women should not be swept into beauty trends online as it doesn’t portray natural reality:

“Selfies and photo editing will make people aim for perfection, which is not real.”

Read in full

Find the full article at https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-9487407/Should-woman-shave-FACE-Experts-reveal-trimming-hair-IN.html

Dr Ross Perry

doctor ross perry

Dr Ross Perry is Founder and Medical Director of Cosmedics Skin Clinics.

He qualified at Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital Medical School in 1994. His career includes NHS skin cancer reconstruction, work as a GP, as well as private cosmetic skin treatments.

He established Cosmedics Skin Clinics in 2003 and remains in charge as Medical Director. He is best known for dealing with unwanted skin lesions and blemishes (e.g. moles, cysts, warts skin tags) and natural-looking use of non-surgical cosmetic injections.


Cosmedics Skin Clinics

Cosmedics Skin Clinics was established in 2003 and has built up an excellent reputation for cosmetic and medical skin treatments, carried out by GMC Registered Doctors.  The company offer a full range of cosmetic treatments, including popular lip enhancement and wrinkle relaxing injections, dermal fillers and laser treatments; plus medical treatments including mole removal, thread vein treatment and excessive sweating injections.

Cosmedics Skin Clinics has a team of skin treatment doctors and surgeons in their 5 skin clinics across London and Bristol led by Dr Ross Perry.

Call 020 7386 0464 or email enquiries@cosmedics.co.uk to book an appointment.

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